The project was to develop border traffic and its flow between Finland and Russia, to enable easier interaction between companies that engage in cross-border trade and to improve the level of services of the ever busier border traffic station in Vartius, also improving its environment and logistics, in order to bring it up to international standard. The project was seen as serving the development of the Arkhangelsk gateway area’s business environment and transition traffic. Th e project’s resources were intended for the building of a 1,000 m2 unheated storage facility, an approx. 500 m2 heated storage and office facility, a paved 1,000 m2 yard and parking area, and to implement the necessary technical work in the area. The project’s resources were also intended for conducting customer surveys regarding the need for space for the transport companies’ vehicles passing through the Vartius border crossing point as well as the companies engaging in co-operation between Finland and Russia.