The current project is going to explore the transboundary nature of the Brest Fortress. The Brest Fortress is mostly known as a Fortress-Hero due to its heroic defence in the Second World War. However, the fortress itself has much longer history of construction of fortifications and their modernisation. The forts of the fortress are part of the modernization process of the Brest Fortress before the First World war, they are distributed at the territories of Brest, Belarus and Terespol, Poland. Taking into consideration this advantage, this project will unite two cities and respectively countries through the exploration of the importance and cultural value of the forts as objects of joint cultural heritage. Specifically, in terms of this project a new bicycle route going through the forts will be introduced. In order to boost tourists’ participation and foster visitors’ engagement, a mobile guide application will be developed considering user experience principles. Brest Fortress Development Foundation has conducted 3 years field and archival research on the Brest Fortress forts, as a result of which, those materials will be used for the creation of the mobile application. A bilateral visits of Brest and Lublin city authorities who deal with the heritage and tourism will build stronger relationships and consolidate partnerships between two cities, especially in cultural and tourism sphere. A number of workshops involving young people from Belarus and Poland will change perception about the forts and will give them new attractive elements by presenting new narratives and installing public arts objects within the area of forts. A transboundary bicycle ride #VeloFort will collect all presented ideas into a single case study and raise new discussions about the Brest Fortress heritage and its importance. This project will demonstrate a cross-border impact on two countries and it will reunite Belarus and Poland culturally and historically.