The project aims at enhancing and making available to tourists the significant historical and cultural heritage of the Municipality of Noale, through the creation of historical-cultural itineraries devoted to Renaissance Venetian art. In this sense, rediscovering the local historical wealth and great works of art is a major incentive for the development of thematic tourism. The Renaissance represents one of the highest forms of artistic expression for Italian painters and sculptors; in particular, the Church of SS. Felice and Fortunato in Noale houses paintings and sculptures by renowned artists. The Column of Peace by Paolo Pino Veneziano can be admired in Noale’s historical centre, while façades and halls on the piano nobile of the XVI century palaces, which face Piazza Castello and Piazza XX Settembre, contain frescoes by unknown authors. In this context the Municipal Authorities are going to implement a thematic tourismpromotion project in order to divulge knowledge and information about the treasures of Renaissance Venetian art in the town of Noale. The cooperation with the Goriški Muzej is a strong point of the project, because for a long time the museum has been active in the enhancement, improvement and promotion of cultural itineraries. Tourists can admire the works of art in town following the cultural routes - by bike or on foot - which are indicated by bilingual signs. Finally, the publication of thematic tourist guides, promotional material and a study on the artistic heritage of Noale are important tools for the promotion of the area.