The wine production sector in Europe currently faces strong competition with wine producing areas all over the world. Rural areas with fragmented vineyards and obsolete marketing techniques are especially challenged by the new trends of the wine market. However, unlike the situation in many of the new wine producing areas overseas, rural areas in Europe are based on a long cultural tradition and preserving their local wine producing heritage can be combined with cultural aspects and targeted offers to tourists. Overall objective / Objectif général The operation “VINTOUR - Integrated Quality Tourism Development in Rural Areas Based on Wine Routes” joins four rural wine producing areas in developing local wine markets and wine tourism. Specific emphasis is placed on the development of wine routes, including services (e.g., tourist itineraries and route signage), standardization of service quality, and promotion and awareness of stakeholders and the general public. Expected results / Résultats attendus The operation raises the income level and extends the income generating capacities of the participating regions. It thus counteracts the current trend of depopulation in these areas and makes regions more attractive for tourists and investors. It promotes a sustainable and local heritage-based approach to the marketing of the areas and produces results that are transferable to other regions facing comparable challenges. Activities include a comparative analysis of tourist offers and a study on wine route management models. Based on a series of thematic workshops, partners conduct training seminars and elaborate a manual on wine tourism that is made available to other not participating regions. All partners also elaborate regional development strategies and action plans to ensure durability of results.