Facilitating mobility and enhancing cross-border connections, communication and accessibility of regional centres is a priority objective in the border-lying region between Austria and Hungary. The project’s immediate objective is to connect the municipalities of Várbalog-Albertkázmérpuszta and Halbturn. The intervention is necessitated by the fact that at present there is no asphalt road connection between the village of Várbalog and the settlement Albertkázmérpuszta belonging to it. After the implementation of the project, besides the connection of the two segments of the municipality a connection will be established between the Hungarian by-road No. 8508 and the Austrian by-road No. L211.The project will involve covering the existing dirt road starting in the centre of the village of Várbalog from the No. 8508 road with asphalt pavement up to Albertkázmérpuszta. The development will create a quicker and safer connection between the municipalities lying on the opposite sides of the border. The improvement of border crossing on the other hand, will improve access towards Mosonmagyaróvár and Neusiedl am See as well, creating improved conditions for accessing the elements of the higher level TEN-T road network. The development will also provide improved access to and for local labour, goods and services. Coordination of the preparatory tasks and joint planning/design are indispensable in the case of cross-border road developments.