In Estonia as well as in Finland there is a growing need to produce renewable traffic fuels, decrease emissions and to prevent and recycle waste. At the same time economic recession, unemployment and regional development need to be managed in both countries. Until now little progress has been reached in waste prevention allthough it has by several studies been proved to be environmentally and economically effective waste policy. Also biogas production in Finland and Estonia is still modest allthough by digesting biodegradable materials we can make use both of the energy and the materia of waste. Biogas from waste streams is one of the most clean and environmentally friendly options for bio traffic fuel production. Municipal waste and sewage companies are willing to proceed in biogas production and utilization as well as waste prevention.However, research on prerequisites and effects are needed first and based on this the feasible plans and networks for carrying out the plans. The project will: - promote prevention of biowaste and sludges - promote production of biogas from industrial and community biowaste and sludges and from manure and green mass produced in fields. - promote the traffic fuel use of biogas - increase networking of municipal and other companies and associations in and between Finland and Estonia on the above mentioned activities - increase knowledge of the environmantal and economic effects of biogas traffic fuel use. The project consists of five work packages. The first package takes care of project management and publicity during the entire project. WP 2. produces plan for biowaste and sludge prevention in six case areas. The prerequisites for and potential of biogas production are studied in WP 3, which produces also plans for biogas production in case areas. A research and plan for biogas traffic use for five areas is made in WP 4. Environmental assessment of plans compared to business-as-usual is done in WP 5. The waste and sudge prevention plans from WP 2 ensure that plans for biogas production (WP 3) are not based on overcapasity. The feasible plans for biogas production (WP 3) are nessessary for planning the biogas traffic use in WP 4. The comparison of environmental, economic and other regional effects of different options are essential in communication the results of the project for active use.