The project intends to promote synergies and disseminate good practices at transnational level among MED countries in the field of waste management governance taking into account specific problems of each partner area. Although the involved countries are different in terms of income, population, size and sectors, they have also similarities of challenges that can be tackled at regional level including: cost recovery and financial mechanism to promote revenue generation; lack of awareness among civil society on MSWM and procedures to encourage better behaviors; capacity of municipalities to manage and learn from other experiences to improve services and the need to promote and reinforce municipal commitment to deliver more effective Municipal Solid Waste Management services which are an integral part of good local governance and one of the most visible services influencing local perception of governance The project scope is to assist municipal governments to develop a more cost-effective MSWM system (“zero waste” strategy) and to enhance local economies incentivizing cost-effective initiatives of the product-chains and identifying niches for local enterprises. The exchange of experiences between Mediterranean regions and the diffusion of good practices related to waste management governance will help to achieve territorial cohesion and a sustainable polycentric development in order to face up environmental, economic and social challenges such as climate change. In particular new member states can profit of the exchange of experiences for accomplishing EU Directives on waste management while old Member States can benefit as well, since they are not exempt from waste problems.