The project is aiming at the design, application and dissemination of a methodological frame for the integration of Local Agenda 21 principles in Water Resources Management in Mediterranean River Basins. It is focusing on the identification of the water management practices and policies as well as of the actual state of Local Agenda application in the participants regions. Considering these and additionally the specific characteristics of the regions a public participation process will be designed and implemented at selected pilot river basins/sub basins in each region in order to motivate and actively involve the local key actors/stakeholders in the development and application of local actions in water management. By this way the provision of tools for a better integration of activities in the fields of both sustainable water management and Local Agenda 21 will be achieved and the confrontation of the different problems and threats on water resources in a cross-sectorial, territorial as well as dialogue oriented approach will be accomplished. Finally, the PP methodology that will be applied and validated over the several pilot river basins will constitute the baseline for further and wide dissemination and application by the water competent authorities and managing institutions at the Mediterranean area, in order to enhance Common Responsibility of social actors towards the integrated and sustainable management of water resources and environment, generally.