The concept of water as a public good is one of the integrated water resources management (IWRM) key pillars: An integrated approach to managing & equitably sharing the world’s limited water resources, among the different & competing uses is the best way to achieve a fresh water secure world (Global Water Partnership). Although fundamental changes in water management policies is a fact, progress is slow in the BalkanMed area countries, composing a complex issue, requiring the adoption of immediate measures, in order to address the high level of vulnerability under climate change conditions (long term under‐investment, aging infrastructure/facilities in the water supply cycle). Nevertheless, EU has a history of over 30 years of drinking water policy. The WFD 2000/60, Drinking Water Directive 1998/83 & EU2020 strategy towards climate change & energy sustainability are the trigger of legislations’ harmonization. Complying with that, WATenERgy CYCLE project aims at developing a common methodological approach towards efficient & effective transnational water & energy resources management. Our common challenge is to increase the current low level of innovative technologies use along the water supply chain, from the water’s source to its end-users and back to the environment along with the increase in climate change resilience. WATenERgy CYCLE is a valuable & unique joint-tool for the design, preparation & implementation of an integrated multi-level approach in the urban (short term), rural & industrial (midterm) environment, promoting a Europe of worth living solidarity. A number of rational activities (networking, pilot actions, partner’s exchanges & meetings, training workshops) in the fields of innovation & environment are the main outputs. The demonstration of the joint innovative technologies & tools (developed & tested, 6 innovative joint implemented pilot actions) enhances the capitalization of the PPs’ experience. Through transnational strategy & policy recommendation, national & regional authorities, water & industrial operators, agricultural associations, & the general public benefit.Our approach is a synergy of 3 EU MS & 2 IPA countries, due to common river basin management, WFD implementation strategy & climate change vulnerability, promoting a holistic approach,raising a number of shared technical challenges.Furthermore, the river basins of the involved areas are transnational, characterized by crossing administrative & territorial borders.A common understanding & approach is crucial.Although the cost benefit analysis of the project’s results may be quite different from country to country, due to variation in local conditions, we will definitely learn to speak the same language in order to achieve a shift towards a more circular economy & worth living environment.Undoubtedly,water is a precious social good;let’s treat it wisely “every drop counts & its worth exceeds by far its real cost, growing every day we are mistreating it”.