The overall challenge of the WAVE project is to create conditions for a sustainable. regional development in which the different (land use) functions are approached in an integrated manner and opportunities are used in such a way that the region is equipped to set off the consequences of climate change. The strengthening of the value of water in the region forms a leading principle within this context.The three main objectives are developing policies that prevent damage and address opportunities. making stakeholders and nature less vulnerable and introducing the importance of water. All activities and measures taken within the framework of this project should contribute to the idea of ‘climate proof catchments’. The WAVE project will make use of research projects that will be carried out within the Dutch ‘Climate changes Spatial Planning’ (CcSP) programme. One of the main themes of this research programme is ‘Adaptation’. The Dutch CcCP programme introduces the ‘climate proofing approach. The starting point is that investments in sectors and hence the way land and water resources will be (spatially-) distributed is among other things also dependant of climate change developments.. The concept of ‘climate proofing’ is the development of (spatial-) adaptation strategies that reduce climate risks and optimise both environmental and business opportunities.