AIM To determine and demonstrate how best the natural heritage(1) can be utilised as a catalyst for economic growth to benefit communities in densely-populated post-industrial areas in NWE. The participating regions are defined as “densely-populated post-industrial areas” which have suffered from a massive decline in heavy industry. especially coal mining and related industries. These areas are now experiencing economic and social deprivation with high levels of economic inactivity. The previously industrial communities in this proposal share a common feature in that they abut extensive areas of natural heritage. coupled with increasing areas of reclaimed former industrial land. By addressing this aim we will generate improved economic benefits for our communities and so engender greater prosperity pride and confidence in our regions The actual economic crisis effects the NWE. so it’s the projects aim to maximise the underestimated economic potential of the natural heritage. The partnership will demonstrate in an innovative way how to activate this potential. with a long lasting impact and a leverage effect for new investments. (1)The “natural heritage” can be defined as a collection of non-urban open spaces of at least 10 km² with an exceptional (inter)national value for biodiversity and/or the landscape. In NWE. the ‘natural heritage’ is adjacent to and linked with densely populated urban areas and consequently has a significant influence on the quality of life and prosperity of local communities. This proposal is NOT about the improved management of this natural heritage. but instead about concrete actions to increase the engagement with the natural heritage of the corporate sector. visitors and communities in order to utilise it responsibly and sustainably to stimulate and maximise economic benefits.