The project will contribute to improvement of border management operations. Project aim is to improve security at Belarusian-Polish border by installing weight metrical complexes at BCP“Domachevo” for weighing cargo vehicles, to improve quality of customs control, reduce time for border crossing. Expected results: increasing transparency and efficiency of customs control, enhancing border security in preventing and reducing illegal migration, prohibited goods trafficking and combating organized crime, reducing customs law of the Belarus and Poland violations number, waiting time at the border, improving order security. Lack of weight equipment does not allow to maintain border efficiency and security at proper level. Project implementation will improve conditions for border crossing through BCP “Domachevo”, help reduce waiting time, determine the actual weight of the cargo being moved. Speed and quality of customs control procedures are expected to increase. Consequently, quality of performing customs control will improve. Therefore, those who benefit from the project will be: cargo carriers and persons crossing the border at BCP “Domachevo” as well as personnel of border, customs and other services at the border. Project objectives and expected results will be achieved by cross-border approach to the project implementation, as installation of weight metrical complexes at BCP “Domachevo”, holding of experience exchange activities with the Polish partner in frames of the joint project management will create the conditions necessary for operative and safe border crossing in both directions (the only border between the European Union and Eurasian Economic Union) as well as allow increase of throughput capacity of the mentioned border crossing point. Project implementation will have positive impact on the Polish side, including the adjacent BCP. Belarusian and Polish sides seek to carry out measures to modernize BCPs in parallel on both sides.