Coherently with general object 1.1 -Strengthening innovation capacities-� WIDER aims to contribute to the identification and strengthening of innovation capacities, knowledge management and networking of Mediterranean SMEs in order to reinforce their position in the energy sector and to increase their potential at transnational level. Indeed, WIDER aims at improving and sharing knowledge management regarding innovation, markets opportunities and new products of SMEs all along the supply chain of the eco-smart housing for independent living of elderly sector in all the 7 focused MED regional industrial areas. Thanks to the implementation of 7 regional targeted pilot projects, the selected local SMEs -actually or potentially belonging to the eco-smart housing for elderly sector- have the chance to gain, improve and share competencies regarding the increase of the value of their own products or the repositioning of new ones on wider target market segments through an energy efficiency and end-user centered approach. Moreover, it contributes to reinforce both economic competitiveness to match international concurrence and the environmental performances of all the 7 focused MED regions. In addition, WIDER intends to contribute to enhance elderly customers' lifestyle while helping them to use energy in a cleaner and better way and improve energy saving until autonomy of their residence. As well, WIDER aims at supporting the selected local SMEs capacities of local, national, European and international cooperation, clustering and networking to share information, create synergies, capitalize and disseminate experiences and results. Besides, it will be strengthened the cooperation between SMEs, research, innovation centres, intermediary bodies to foster innovation. WPs are: 1.Management and Coordination 2. Information, awareness raising and Capitalization 3.Measures to favour user-driven innovation for eco-smart housing for elderly 4.Pilot action to enhance user-driven innovation of smart eco-systems approaching emergent market 5.Networking to favour transnational thematic synergies. WIDER partnership is composed of 10 partners (4 RDAs, 1 public university, 1 non-profit association aimed at animating the regional RDC, 1 chamber of commerce, 1 energy agencies, 2 transnational networks oriented at economic development) from 7 countries from the extreme Occidental boundaries of MED Programme (Algarve) to the extreme Eastern ones (Central Macedonia) crossing other 5 eligible areas (Catalonia, Rhone-Alpes, Marche, Slovenia and Sarajevo Macro Region). Moreover, 5 external partners: users interests are brought by the European Network AGE Platform and the Italian Trade Union CNA Retired, joining as external partners along with a big telecom company, a leading ICT company and an association of AAL companies. The project lasts 30 months (from January 2013 to June 2015) and the budgets is -� 2.525.746,00.