The project aims to promote tourism in the Natisone valley, by enhancing the architectural and historical WWI heritage the area between Castelmonte (Municipality of Prepotto) and Tribil Superiore (Municipality of Stregna) up to the Kolovrat mountains (Drenchia), Matajur (Savogna), Mia and Mladesiena (Pulfero). To this end, a multilingual tourist guide will be published as well as brochures presenting the cross-border routes along the trenches and the paths of the 1915-1918 war, and other thematic itineraries of the territory in the Natisone valley and the Isonzo valley from Bovec to Duino. In this sense an integrated tourist policy between the two areas enables them to enter the tourist markets with a wider and stronger tourism offer. The appeal of historical tourism regarding WWI is enhanced by the offer of the crossborder partner, thanks to which the various territorial vocations - e.g. rafting on the upper Isonzo river and speleology in the Natisone Valley - can consolidate mutually and synergic ally.