The partners have implemented in the years 2015-2016 the project “Joint strategy for waste water management in the area of Danube hydrological basin” financed through the Romania-Serbia IPA program. In the frame of this project the partners have developed full technical documentation for the realization of sewer system in both localities (of 47 km of technical plans for Commune Dumbravita and 55 km of technical plans for Obstina Golubac). In this new project the partners wants to build on the previous experience and construct a part of the system, contributing in this way to the improvement of the quality of the water reservoir in the Danube hydrologic system. Comuna Dumbravita will build a sewer system 7341 m long including streets that do not beneficiate from sewer network. Municipality of Golubac wants to build a secondary sewer network of 2619 m long. Beside the construction work both partner will participate at an awareness raising campaign about the importance of water protection and reduction of water consumption. Also the project partners will establish cooperation between employees working with issues of water and sewers to help them to identify best practices, to exchange knowledge and to transfer the best practices identified.