The umbrella project involves the implementation of micro-projects aimed mainly at increasing the number of joint PL-SK initiatives for employment and common training carried out by entities on both sides of the border. The project is a response to the identified problem of the borderland identified in a SWOT analysis commissioned by the Ministry of Regional Development for the cross-border Poland-Slovakia area. This problem consists in the outflow of educated and young people from the region to attractive centres outside this area for job and career search. As part of micro-projects, the following three types of activities will be implemented: – common cross-border programmes and initiatives for students and teachers in specialised and vocational education establishments, – common development and promotion of specialised and vocational education offer, – implementation of cross-border activities supporting social inclusion and participation, – cross-border exchange of good practices, – activities aimed at defining needs in the context of specialised and vocational education. Target groups of the umbrella project are non-profit entities entitled to implement micro-projects (micro-beneficiaries) operating in the area of the umbrella project, i.e.: LGU, their unions and association, administration units established by the state or self-government in order to ensure public services, non-governmental organisations as well as EGTC (a detailed description of target groups con be found in point III.4 of the application). Through the implementation of micro-projects, the umbrella project will affect also local communities of the Polish-Slovak borderland region and tourists visiting the area. While institutions which will implement the umbrella project are entities with several years of experience in implementing micro-projects (including on the Polish-Slovak borderland), which guarantees its implementation in accordance with the requirements of the Programme and the European Commission.