The biggest challenge that affects all sectors and aspects of life of the target area is fast aging society and this problem should be addressed in a systematic way at all levels. Main obstacles for three countries are insufficient institutional capacities for elderly and financial costs; the social care system is not adapted to users and their diversified needs and profiles. Accessibility of socialization activities for elderly is very low leaving elderly to remain invisible in the society with multiple negative effects on their mental and physical health. Project aims to to improve the quality and accessibility of health and social care services for elderly in cross border area of Central Croatia, Northern Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southern Montenegro. Project integrates social, economic and territorial development in joint action on meeting the pressing needs of vulnerable elderly through social inclusion, care deinstitualization and strengthening cross-border cohesion and collaboration. Project deals directly with and for the vulnerable group of elderly who, due to decreased mobility, loneliness, bigger dependency, low socio-economic status and poor health, are socially excluded and invisible to the society. Participative methodology will result in focused and tailored approach to elderly that mobilizes their physical and intellectual capacities according to their needs, interests and the well-fare of the community. Coordinated and structured activities complement the age-friendly environment of the day centres that value the resources, knowledge and experience of older people. Outreach method will ensure that no elderly is left behind, especially in rural and remote areas, providing them customized care, support and assistance in a case of emergency. The key point of cross border cooperation is in establishing the relationship and social networks among elderly, caregivers, volunteers and local communities accross teritorries to address challenges.