The overall objective of the project is to establish a cross-border protected area management and technical support for the biosphere region Berchtesgadener Land, Lungau Biosphere Reserve and protected areas of Mitterpinzgau. Through cross-border cooperation and exchange of expertise in the form of permanent networks, synergies and expertise are exploited and common objectives successfully implemented. The joint tasks include, in particular, the implementation of species and biotope conservation projects, the establishment and networking of protected area management and the establishment of a region. Seed propagation, the adaptation and establishment of two wild pollinators and the establishment of an information center. Each of the protected areas involved in the project has special expertise and knowledge in the interaction of cultural landscape, nature and species protection as well as agrobiodiversity. These protected area-specific peculiarities are to be worked out within the scope of the project to achieve a nature conservation and regional economy added value. The targeted propagation of regional seeds of flowering meadows, field wild herbs and cultivars in conjunction with the initiation of species and habitat conservation projects is an important output of the project and contributes significantly to the increase of biodiversity in terms of the objectives of the Biodiversity Strategy 2020, the Biodiversity Program Bavaria 2030 and the valorisation of the Network of Regional Protected Areas.