Project aims at increasing the prestige of farming among young people in borderland areas, while encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting preservation of national traditions. Project will motivate youth to return to their homes in borderland areas and start business activities after graduation. It will also increase collaboration between Lithuanian and Latvian youth/young farmers and help develop a joint collaboration group. In addition, it will promote exchange of experience, knowledge and the best practices on diverse range of agriculture-related topics and sustainable development of borderland areas. Main target group of the project is 15 selected students from Lithuania and 16 students from Latvia who were born and brought up in borderland area and wish to return there after their studies. They will participate in all activities of the project and will develop new business ideas together. Close integration and friendship that forms between young people during the project will favour development of cross-border youth collaboration network. It will also get other young people involved in various activities and development of borderland areas. Project activities will give knowledge to students about Latvian and Lithuanian traditions, entrepreneurship and marketing to encourage new business ideas through old traditions, finding new possibilities to realize these ideas in regions.