The general goal of the project was to promote trade and production cooperation between wood harvesting companies and refi neries in East Finland and the Republic of Karelia. In addition, the intent was to support technology transfer in the forest industry. The specific goal of the Interreg section was to strengthen the capacity of wood industry companies in East Finland to engage in cooperation across the border. This was to be achieved by securing the centralised availability of Russian wood raw material and basic information regarding wood product quality. The specific goal of the Tacis part was to produce comparative information on the weaknesses and advantages of two wood harvesting methods. The information was to be used by Russian wood harvesting companies in decision-making in selecting a suitable harvesting method. Alternatively, the research information could also be used by forest harvester machine manufacturers when marketing their products in Russia. A goal of the joint project was to improve the information exchange as well, in addition to its utilisation between forestry research institutions. Moreover, information concerning the most essential learning requirements of harvesting companies was to be offered to Russian forest industry educational institutions.