The concept of “Cross-border Wooden Architecture Route as a chance to preserve unique cultural heritage of Polish- Ukrainian borderland” is an answer to the actual need of preservation and popularization of wooden architecture heritage of PL-UA cross-border area, as well as increasing the attractiveness of common border area since its potential remains insufficiently exploited. Therefore, joint actions within the project are necessary for strengthening the tourist offer of the Programme area, hence encouraging tourists to visit it, what will result in an increase of tourist traffic in the region. One of the objectives is also increasing the awareness of local communities and tourists about richness and diversity of traditions of Polish-Ukrainian borderland and the need to launch social dialog in order to preserve these traditions. These goals will be achieved through such activities as: - development of new Cross-border Wooden Architecture Route - the planned number of the objects to be included in the Route - 163 (127 objects in Podkarpackie region and 36 objects in Ukrainian area), - development of e-products: 2 information websites and 12 virtual tours promoting wooden architecture, - promotional campaign (influencer marketing) dedicated to wooden architecture monuments of Polish-Ukrainian borderland, - organization of 6 cross-border cultural events and guided tours. The implementation of the project will also reduce the actual barriers in the access to valuable and attractive monuments through establishing cooperation with managers of these architectural monuments, development of a new cross-border tourist product and creation of tools that will serve information and promotion of wooden architecture in the Programme area in a long term. The final recipients of the project will be mostly inhabitants of Polish-Ukrainian borderland and tourists visiting the Programme area as well as people interested in architecture, cultural heritage and history of the region.