The project aims to present and preserve the cultural heritage of historical objects of the SK-PL cross-border area. We plan to create a multimedia presentation of cultural heritage and to share the know-how in the field of digitisation of historical buildings. Our aim is to put on the map and digitalise as many historical objects situated on the chosen area as possible and thanks to this give access to them in a modern form. We plan to use innovative technologies – large format scanners, etc. In accordance with the requirements of buildings’ managers, buildings, their interiors and possibly gardens will be scanned. 10 objects on the Slovak and Polish sides were selected. At the beginning, an innovative procedure related to a special scanning technique will be developed. It will take into account the requirements of the managers of historical objects, historians and offices for the preservation of historical monuments. UNIZA will develop an instruction draft. Qualified staff will be provided professional training. The preparation of scanned objects involves the inspection of buildings and surrounding objects on site, the possibility of setting and putting scanners etc. The number of hours of object scanning depends on the scope of the order. More products will be made from the digitised material: virtual walks, 3D and 2D book for the technical documentation etc. A final conference concerning the project will be organised. The project will cover the following historical sites: Poland: the Sułkowski Dukes’ Castle and the Old Factory in Bielsko-Biała, Julian Fałat’s Museum in Bystra, the Cieszyn Castle, the Rotunda, the Tower, the old part, the Pszczyna Castle, the Stables, the Etnographic Park in Ślemień. Slovakia: the Budatín Castle, the Budatín Castle – chapel and the remaining buildings as well as the interior, the Wedding Palac in Bytča, folk architecture houses in Čičmany and other.