The area of partners of this project is part of landscape parks with rich potential as well as cultural and natural heritage. The common characteristic of these regions is especially their development in the period of the Wallachian colonisation, which is reflected in the landscape of this region and its lifestyle. The potential of this heritage is not fully utilised, many inhabitants of the region do not know its natural and cultural qualities, nor the qualities of their own or the cross-border region, although the geographical location of the partners is very close. This project aims to contribute to discovering this heritage, acquiring knowledge about it, its promotion, development and thus intensification. There is a hiking tourist trail between these two localities and we are going to make it more attractive, equip it with the elements of tourism infrastructure, adapt this area so that the trail is unobstructed and easily accessible. At the same time, we want to encourage tourists to use this route in such a way that on its ends they can see sites related to preserving the cultural heritage. In Gmina Rajcza, there will be a painted historical route and the model of a Wallachian village. In Nová Bystrica, there will an amphitheatre and a special footbridge leading from the cross-border cycling route constructed in the framework of another project (from Krásna on the Kysucou River to Milówka). By building the infrastructure for activities related to spending free time and organising a related event – the Tourism Day – on the constructed trail, we will achieve an increase in the number of tourists visiting this place. We will also start organising a number of events related to preserving the cultural heritage. Their offer will be addressed to all age categories. In Rajcza, a cultural event will be organised. Its subject will be the Wallachian culture, colonisation and cuisine (shepherd). In Nová Bystrica, an event will organised focusing on folklore, music, dance and customs.