This umbrella project consists in substantive and financial support for the implementation of micro-projects in vocational education and lifelong learning / specialised training. According to the provisions of the Programme and the Beneficiary’s Manual, the project will be implemented by the Euroregion “Tatry” Association as the Lead Partner in cooperation with two designated Slovak partners: the self-government of the Prešov Region and the self-government of the Žilina Region. The achievement of the assumed aims of the project will be enabled by the implementation of the following tasks indicated in the Beneficiary’s Manual (annex 14 “Implementation rules for Umbrella Projects”): 1. Preparation of an umbrella project. 2. Implementation of micro-projects (substantive task of an umbrella project) consisting in the implementation of PL-SK educational undertakings in the scope of vocational education and lifelong learning / specialised training by micro-beneficiaries eligible for ERDF support. Co-funding will be granted to entities meeting the eligibility criteria defined for priority axis 3 in the “Interreg V-A Poland-Slovakia” Programme and in the Beneficiary’s Manual in accordance with the principles detailed in the Guidebook for micro-beneficiaries. The implementation of micro-projects will take place in the central part of the Polish-Slovak borderland, in the support area earmarked for this umbrella project and described in detail in point III.7 of this application. At the stage of evaluation, joint micro-projects will be preferred. 3. Promotion and outreach of an umbrella project. 4. Administration of an umbrella project. As a result of these tasks, 3,522 people will take part in joint Polish-Slovak local initiatives for employment and joint training sessions. This will contribute also to achieving the indicator defined in the Programme for priority axis 3 and the pursued objectives of the project which are in line with the Programme’s specific objective established for the said priority axis.