The main concept behind the project is the development of the natural and cultural heritage of the borderland. The individual activities of the project will be developed to attract interest of the hikers (local and foreign) in the said heritage. To show the hikers the values of the borderland (including cultural and natural heritage sites), in the first place, it is necessary to take stock of and standardise the trails marked and described in printed materials, including: a) tourist attractions, b) hotels and accommodation places, c) dining facilities, d) existing parking areas, e) public transport transfer points, f) medical points, etc. Then, the catalogued trails will be placed on the website and will be available via a mobile application (for Android, iOS, Windows). The model tourism product “Hiking without backpack” developed in the framework of this project will also be available in the application. The product will present the natural and cultural attractions of Polish-Slovak borderlands for hikers. In addition, training courses will be held for persons and institutions involved in tourism development activities; the offer and services of accommodation and dining facilities will be adapted to the standards of hiking tourism. This tool/product will require a proper marketing campaign in the form of: participation in tourist fairs (Tour Salon Poznań, Incheba Bratislava, ITB Berlin) to attract domestic and foreign tourists, filming a series and broadcasting it on TV and YT channel, organising two events promoting hiking among the local population together with a presentation of attractions and resources of the region, publishing a guide, promotional materials, newsletter, conducting a study tour for tourist bloggers from Poland, Slovakia and others).