The project is envisaging to develop a structure capable to offer support to stakeholders involved in nature preservation and natural resources management: protected areas administrators, NGO`s, public authorities, companies, general public of the target area. The target area is considered within the limits of geographical units with cross-border character, the Crisul Alb/Korosok river basin and the Mures/Maros river basin. The project has two levels of development: setting up the infrastructure needed for the Cross-Border Protected Areas Resource Centre (X-PARC); and soft activities which envisage gathering the information needed for the specific purpose of the centre (consultancy, support, promotion, dissemination, and education), start of the X-PARC function. PARC`s facilities are set up in 3 locations with complementary responsibilities: Arad, Gyula and Bekescsaba. X-PARC dealing with specific nature preservation and natural resources management issues of the target area, in a cross-border context. Cross-border access to information is insured to stakeholders. The general objective of the project is common natural resources efficiently used, natural values protected in the target area Target groups: Direct target groups are represented by the project staff, involved either as project management team or as personnel with technical specific responsibilities. Students participating in ecological education and dissemination activities (eco-educational camps, Youth eco-clubs: reading clubs and eco-theses) represent a major direct target groups, direct beneficiaries of the project. Representatives from the local public administrations, protected areas administrators, farmers and representatives of the commercial agencies, participating in informal sessions, workshops and seminars, represent another major direct beneficiaries group. Participants in the events organized during project implementation are also direct beneficiaries of the project. The direct beneficiaries were selected upon a thorough investigation. Questionnaires were sent to over 100 organizations - local public administrations, environmental NGO`s, nature protected areas administrators, companies etc. We received about 40 answers. Most of the answering organizations were interested to participate in project activities. The main specific activities of the project are: establishing a detailed schedule of the project team activities; monthly meetings of the team members; public procurement; supervise data gathering, training activities, Green School and all project activities implementation; communication activities; organize the X-PARC Arad, Gyula and Bekescsaba inaugural conferences. Development of the X-PARC facilities: X-PARC Arad - coordination, technical expertise for nature preservation, dissemination, promotion, cooperation and development duties; X-PARC Gyula - education, dissemination, and promotion duties; X-PARC Bekescsaba - technical expertise for natural resources management, cooperation and development duties; gathering information and preparing the promotion, education and dissemination program; starting the functioning of the X-PARC.