The purpose and activities of this project aim to overcome the problems identified after analyzing the social and economic environment, review of strategic issues and research among the target group in the border region by strengthening cooperation between important actors. The project team builds 3 main directions of intervention: 1/Opportunities for graduates to get know-how in search and apply for job in cross border region 2/Creates opportunity to bring in the theory into practice and start own businesses 3/The project creates instruments for developing strong connections for business cooperation – business missions, marketplace;4/Supports the overcome of the gap between the education and business needs. Using the strong motivation for change of the target group together with the capacity and professional experience of the project team the up-pointed weaknesses could be overcome with the following approaches defined in the project implementation strategy:1/Transfer of know-how coherence between partners;2/On-spot research to define the needs, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities;3/Using of developed and upgraded methodology of the project partners – mentoring tools, innovative and interactive training approaches;3/Networking and establishing links with other partners – academia, companies, NGOs, chambers, employment agencies, state and local administration, youth centers; 4/Organizing business and b2b missions; 5/Organizing “Youth Entrepreneurship Marketplace” where young entrepreneurs will be able to present their products and services, identifying market niches and therefore, developing opportunities for export;6/The project relies on extensive media support mainly by local media, internet sites and social networks;7/The project team will develop internal rules for communication, monitoring and reporting and will establish Joint Managing Committee.