YOUTH ADRINET project intends to promote actions finalized to the increase of the European identity and the active participation in the social life of young people in the multi-cultural and multi-ethnical framework of the Adriatic area. In the last decades the young population has progressively lost confidence in the existing decision-making system and has showed a growing lack of interest in the traditional forms of participation in the associative public life; since young people represent the future European ruling class, it is necessary to set up with them new strategies that will foster their commitment in the public life and more particularly in the life of the European society. Starting from the analyses and suggestions coming from several documents and communications on Youth Policies drawn by the European Commission and already taken in by some national and local entities involved in the project, YOUTH ADRINET proposes to foster the mutual acquaintance, the development of joined methodologies and the setting up of new job opportunities in a vast area context, in order to increase the youth active participation in the public life. The project main goals are thus the setting up in the Adriatic basin area of: institutional cooperation actions among political actors in charge for the management of Youth Policies; a model where the principle of an active citizenship for young people finds the right place where to develop and where some concrete actions of social integration can take place; an advanced methodological approach that includes both a local and a transnational dimension; a professional couching and training process focused on the creation of new possibilities for the employment of the young. The milestones of the project are: the analysis of the existing laws and policies addressed to young people in the