The main goal of the project is to improve living conditions for young people in the Stockholm and Aland archipelagos to encourage them to stay in the archipelago. The aim is to ensure a vital archipalego in the future. The archipelago is a unique place to grow up in, though the geographical location is a limitation. Many young people feel that their needs, whether it is for education, recreational activities or other things, are not met. When they leave the islands for studies, most of them don’t return to their islands to live there. This causes an ageing population. However, we do need people to live in the archipelago to keep the archipelago a place worth visiting and a place where it is possible to live. In order to ensure a lively archipelago we need young people to be active and engaged. By letting their voices be heard we can strengthen their commitment and belief in the future. The project aims to obtain knowledge about what activities young persons want to engage in and how the unique archipelago setting can be used for studies, leisure and other things. The young person´s needs and suggestions for change will be compiled and disseminated to politicians and organisations to promote strategic allocation of fundings and necessary actions for making the archipelago a more attractive place for young people. To reach these objectives we will develop structures and dialogue forms such as workshops and conferences. WP1: The overall project management, administration and coordination of steering group meetings. WP 2: Dialogue and dissemination. Meetings, workshops and conferences between young people to promote dialogue and exchange of ideas. Conferences between young people and decision makers to give the grown ups knowledge about young peoples views on their situation. The final report will be produced and handed over to local decision makers by the young people themselves.