The proposed action seeks to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of the region by bringing together talented young artists from the border region to collaborate on the production of a modern dance spectacle. The performance will incorporate elements of the rich cultural heritage into the movements, costumes, set design, music and theme of the production. These cultural elements will be chosen from research conducted by a mix of Bulgarian and Serbian youth from Kyustendil and Bosilegrad. As a result of the project, the rich cultural and historical heritage of the region will be preserved and popularized, friendly working relations will arise, prejudices will be overcome, and the collaborative efforts of the youth will be showcased in front of a wide and varied audience in both countries. The project will create connections between youth who have the potential to sustain friendships and collaboration. Ideas, people and information will once again flow across the border and take the form of a musical performance that realizes the common pasts of both nations and joins artistic youth based on their talent and ability to work together toward one common goal.