Project creates with and for young people in Riga, Tallinn and Stockholm a better living environment - physical and virtual - necessary for the development of the attractive and dynamic societies. Education, Youth ans Sports Department of Riga City Council, Youth Centre of Tallinn and Stockholm School of Arts are joining efforts in setting up a creative space for young people and motivating them to acquire new skills and competences for cross-border cooperation and development of joint initiatives. Project leads to cooperation amongst the young people and their support structures - municipal and non-governmental organisations – in order of building young generation’s capacities to become the future driving force of the regional development and resource for the society not a burden, in the friendly and participatory way. Project provides across the borders harmonised access for young people to information, participation tools and methods in participating in the communities. Focusing on creating safe and integrating internet environments that allow young people to work together and with youth workers the partners will create virtual space designing the internet platform in four languages, searching for new tools in virtual youth work, collecting and publishing online good practice examples. Creating preconditions for implementation of participative open youth work, designing environment for inclusive youth work, “meeting points” or physical space in three youth centres will be equipped and international youth workers and youth leaders trainings and youth exchanges will be organised. Within exchanging of methods for youth workers for coaching youth to create their own performance productions and creating environment for self-expression of young people in the region two festivals will be organized. Common information platform for the network members (to ensure the visibility of the project information and publicity activities) will be set and effective joint management will be secured. Project will create a network of trained, motivated and engaged support staff both working in the allocated centres and also outside them in the communities - international youth workers and youth leaders able to work with methods and use approaches that encourage youth participation. A network for youth exchanges for the region to provide space for intercultural learning and to support the work of the centres, including short-term international voluntary work activities, preparing cultural exchange activities and performances across the borders. 740 number of young people are engaged in international networking by study visits, voluntary work, business ideas and culture or training activities. Project will involve young people in crossborder activities (at least 20 000 young people in the region) and provide support for further actions and promote their activities in larger EU.