ZOONE background is represented by successful results achieved and CBC networks created in the previous programming project (Marcbal cod.276)concerning sustainable development of agro-zootechnical sector in Western Balkans, by the relevance of agriculture and husbandry in rural areas of Adriatic Countries as source of employment and profitability.Sprung from the realization that Adriatic Countries rural and marginal areas are affected by similar costrains, joint cross-border cooperation and innovation transfer in the of agro zoo technical sector can play a fundamental role in order to harmonize related policies and quality issues to fill the existing economic, institutional and social gaps among Adriatic Countries. ZOONEaims to strengthen innovation capacity both at researchers/technicians and institutional level to create a favorable environment and specific support to zootechnical enterprises.Building a shared innovative scientific and institutional baseline is the requirement to develop innovative entrepreneurial frame.ZOONE aims to promote innovative joint research activities and scientific-institutional cooperation networks(reinforcing and widening the existing cbc network)to strengthen Adriatic rural areas economies and consolidate/develop shared institutional framework and policies forMS/CC/PCCmodernization,ensuring environmental,economic and social sustainability for a knowledge and innovation based zootechny.Starting from the awareness of innovative and sustainable cattle breeding systems as economic investment for Adriatic Areas,the project overall strategy focuses on the first levels of the production chain,considering that a proper reproduction and breeding sector management is essential requirement for ensure quality of production both at producers and consumers’level. Fostering economic, social and institutional cooperation by means of innovative actions in the zoo technical field, ZOONE 'goals,activities and expetected results are coherent with Programme Priority 1-Measure 1.1.The proposal faces two main scientific topics both at technical and institutional level by specific Pilot Action in 5 Pilot Areas, Blended Training Modules and researchers/officers exchange, capacity builing meetings. The scheduled actions, will have an high demonstrative power with a multiplier effect in the partners’ countries.The project expetcted results are:creation of a permanent scientific and institutional cbc network(among scientific and institutional partners)to exchange best practices and scientific results,to establish multi-level dialogue in order to transfer and update useful innovation and research progresses towards entrepreneurs of target area . -best practices transfer and Marchigiana cattle introduction/strenghten in target area with increasing of productive and reprodutive cattle performances and best practices transfer with improvement of breeding management efficiency in marginal areas.By the involvement of 9 scientific and institutional high profile partners from 6 different Countries that gather their compentences, roles and expertise, ZOONE will assure the effective know how transfer and innovation exchange among target areas with a multi-disciplinary and partecipate approach.The project target groups:local and national authorities, local institutions, universities and research centers,zootechnical entrepreuners,technicians, final consumers.