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Results For : CALLS (3 )

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MSCA Staff Exchanges involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including ...

Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
    Indirect costs are general administrative costs – overhead costs incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs of the action. They are often limited to a percent flat-rate of the total eligible direct costs for the action. Indirect costs are not eligible for an action where the beneficiary already receives an operating grant from the EU budget during the period in question.
  • Management Cost
    Management costs are personnel costs for internal personnel who do not work professionally, but carry out project management or the fees for external experts who also work in project management.

    This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.

    Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.

Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • Scientists
    Scientists are people who systematically deal with science and its further development. Many scientists work as researchers, often also as university lecturers.
  • social Scientists
    an expert in or student of human society and social relationships, or any subject within this field, such as economics or politics.
  • social Science and Humanities
    Social science is the branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships among individuals within those societies.
  • Thursday, 10.10.2024
  • (30 remaining days )
Call Deadline:
  • Wednesday, 05.03.2025
  • (176 remaining days )

The transition to a climate-neutral society requires that E ...

Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
    Indirect costs are general administrative costs – overhead costs incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs of the action. They are often limited to a percent flat-rate of the total eligible direct costs for the action. Indirect costs are not eligible for an action where the beneficiary already receives an operating grant from the EU budget during the period in question.
  • Management Cost
    Management costs are personnel costs for internal personnel who do not work professionally, but carry out project management or the fees for external experts who also work in project management.

    This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.

    Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.

Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • young People
    Young people between the ages of 13 and 30.
  • Adults
    People aged 18 and over
  • Youthworker
    A Youth worker is a person that works with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development through informal education,
  • Citizen
    Citizens are citizens of a state or a municipality. In the sense of constitutional law, nationals are "citizens"; at the municipal level, the "residents or residents" of a city or municipality are usually meant.
  • Administration
    Administration is understood here to mean structures that take care of your own or third-party affairs and usually take place in an institutional setting such as authorities, public institutions, companies or associations of persons.
  • EU Member-State
    The European Union (EU) consists of member states which are signatories to the founding treaties of the union and thereby share in the privileges and obligations of membership. They have agreed - via these treaties - to share their own sovereignty through the institutions of the European Union in some (but by no means all) aspects of government.
  • public Administration
    According to Otto Mayer, public administration, also called administrative, is the activity of the state or another agency of public administration that is neither legislation or jurisdiction, nor does it exercise political governmental activities.
  • national and european Authority
  • Worker
    a person who does a specified type of work or who works in a specified way.
  • Citizens living in remote Areas
    Remote areas are defined as places that are out of the way or considerably secluded from civilisation. Remote areas are really just a more extreme extension of rural areas.
  • European Citizens

    Any national of a EU Member State is considered to be a citizen of the European Union.

  • Cultural Worker
    Cultural workers are working artists
  • young Adults
    a person in their teens or early twenties.
  • Women
    Woman, Latin and technically also femina, refers to a female adult human being. Female children and adolescents are called girls. The polite form of address for a woman in German is Frau, followed by the surname of the person addressed.
  • and 15 more
  • Tuesday, 17.09.2024
  • (7 remaining days )
Call Deadline:
  • Tuesday, 21.01.2025
  • (134 remaining days )

Support will be given to the innovative application of digi ...

Eligible costs:
What types of costs are allowed here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
Target Groups:
Which target groups are desired here? Move the mouse over the icon for an explanation.
  • Scientists
    Scientists are people who systematically deal with science and its further development. Many scientists work as researchers, often also as university lecturers.
  • environmental Actor

    Person who engages in publicly effective actions for the environment or environmental protection.

  • young People
    Young people between the ages of 13 and 30.
  • Adults
    People aged 18 and over
  • Trainee
    A trainee in the German-speaking countries is a person who is undergoing vocational training. The training concludes with a journeyman's examination, skilled worker or with a final examination.
  • Youthworker
    A Youth worker is a person that works with young people to facilitate their personal, social and educational development through informal education,
  • Teacher
    a person who teaches, especially in a school.
  • Citizen
    Citizens are citizens of a state or a municipality. In the sense of constitutional law, nationals are "citizens"; at the municipal level, the "residents or residents" of a city or municipality are usually meant.
  • Administration
    Administration is understood here to mean structures that take care of your own or third-party affairs and usually take place in an institutional setting such as authorities, public institutions, companies or associations of persons.
  • Student
    A student is a person who is enrolled in an institution of the tertiary education sector and receives an academic training there or is undergoing further education at a university.
  • EU Member-State
    The European Union (EU) consists of member states which are signatories to the founding treaties of the union and thereby share in the privileges and obligations of membership. They have agreed - via these treaties - to share their own sovereignty through the institutions of the European Union in some (but by no means all) aspects of government.
  • public Administration
    According to Otto Mayer, public administration, also called administrative, is the activity of the state or another agency of public administration that is neither legislation or jurisdiction, nor does it exercise political governmental activities.
  • national and european Authority
  • ordinary People
    ordinary people, especially all the people who are not members of a particular organization or who do not have any special type of knowledge
  • and 21 more
  • Tuesday, 17.09.2024
  • (7 remaining days )
Call Deadline:
  • Tuesday, 21.01.2025
  • (134 remaining days )

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