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CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.
Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.
This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.
Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.
Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.
These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.
Preparation costs are mostly the planning costs from the preliminary phase of the project, which are (partially in some funding instruments like INTERREG B) reimbursed retrospectively and mostly with a lump sum if the project is successful.
cover the cost for living expenses during a visit or study for individual person, most as lump sum per month (stipendium).
The Single Market Programme (SMP) was adopted on 28 April 2021. With EUR 4,208 million over the p ...
Microenterprises, SMEs are defined as follows in EU recommendation 2003/361: A company is an SME if it has no more than 249 employees, an annual turnover of no more than €50 million or a balance sheet total of no more than €43 million.
the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as. a. : the officials comprising the governing body of a political unit and constituting the organization as an active agency.
Chambers in many countries are already engaged in serving SMEs by providing training and business counselling, undertaking entrepreneurial development programmes and by setting up advisory and information services.
They are also taking a leading role in protecting SMEs interests and in promoting their development and growth.
Consumer organizations are advocacy groups that seek to protect people from corporate abuse like unsafe products, predatory lending, false advertising, astroturfing and pollution.
Farmers Union, supports and encourages local and regional food systems. They represent family farmers and consumers on issues such as energy and food security, agriculture sustainability, rural development, and environmental conservation.
A fisherman or fisher is someone who captures fish and other animals from a body of water, or gathers shellfish.
Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.
These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.
Administrative expenses are costs incurred to support the functioning of a business, but which are not directly related to the production of a specific product or service.
Some level of administrative expenses will always be incurred as a necessary part of operations
The EU4Health programme was adopted as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to reinforce crisi ...
CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.
Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.
This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.
Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.
Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.
These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.
Person who engages in publicly effective actions for the environment or environmental protection.
Creative Europe brings together actions supporting the European cultural and creative sectors. Th ...
This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.
Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.
CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.
Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.
Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.
These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.
Preparation costs are mostly the planning costs from the preliminary phase of the project, which are (partially in some funding instruments like INTERREG B) reimbursed retrospectively and mostly with a lump sum if the project is successful.
Budget support is central to the international cooperation of the EU. The EU is the world’s top provider of budget support. It involves direct financial transfers to the national treasury of partner countries engaging in sustainable development reforms.
These transfers are conditional on policy dialogue, performance assessment, and capacity building. Budget support fosters our partner countries’ ownership of development policies and reforms.
Any national of a EU Member State is considered to be a citizen of the European Union.
CERV stands for “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” and will be the biggest- ...
CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.
Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.
This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.
Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.
Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.
These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.
Administrative expenses are costs incurred to support the functioning of a business, but which are not directly related to the production of a specific product or service.
Some level of administrative expenses will always be incurred as a necessary part of operations
The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in ...
CEB loans cannot cover staff costs (wages/salaries and other related benefits such as pension payments), financial charges and non-cash elements such as depreciation.
Such costs may however be considered eligible when they relate to project management or technical assistance required for project preparation and implementation.
This budget category covers the travel costs and related subsistence allowances (including all related duties, taxes and charges that the beneficiary has paid, if including them is part of the usual practices for travel, e.g. non-deductible VAT) spent for the action.
Travel and subsistence costs relate to the personnel of the beneficiaries. They may also often relate to experts that participate in the action on an ad hoc basis.
Any costs for external expertise and services provided by a public or private body or an individual outside of the beneficiary organisation belong in this cost category.
These rules also apply to costs for first level controllers where these are paid by the beneficiary. All external expertise and service payments must be made on the basis of contracts or similar written agreements and supported by invoices or requests for reimbursement linked to the tasks carried out.
Preparation costs are mostly the planning costs from the preliminary phase of the project, which are (partially in some funding instruments like INTERREG B) reimbursed retrospectively and mostly with a lump sum if the project is successful.
cover the cost for living expenses during a visit or study for individual person, most as lump sum per month (stipendium).
Microenterprises, SMEs are defined as follows in EU recommendation 2003/361: A company is an SME if it has no more than 249 employees, an annual turnover of no more than €50 million or a balance sheet total of no more than €43 million.