Max Member
- Germany
User Country
- 10407
Postal Code
- Berlin
- Storkower Str.
- 158
House Nr
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Number of projects funded:
Number of projects already funded in which the partner was involved.
Target Groups:
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Digital ServicesA Digital Service is one that has been entirely automated and which is controlled by the Customer of the Service, for example, as an "app" on a mobile phone or tablet PC. Furthermore, a Digital Service is usually an on-line service or it contains a significant on-line component. For example, a Digital Service may use information from a separate computer system or another Digital Service accessed in real time through the internet or an alternative network.
Program Calls:
Digital Europe Programme (DEP | 2021-2027)Digital Europe aims to trigger investments by the EU, Member States and industry in the key areas of artificial intelligence(AI), advanced computing and data handling, cybersecurity, and the advanced digital skills necessary to deploy them. The programme has the potential to connect businesses, public administrations and citizens to the latest technologies and resources. It will also help Europe to remain globally competitive and strategically autonomous, and to have a say in how new technologies reflect our needs and values.
Programmes we are interested in
Here you can see the funding instruments already used, for which there is experience with this partner.
Digital Europe Programme (DEP | 2021-2027)
Digital Europe Programme (DEP | 2021-2027)Digital Europe aims to trigger investments by the EU, Member States and industry in the key areas of artificial intelligence(AI), advanced computing and data handling, cybersecurity, and the advanced digital skills necessary to deploy them. The programme has the potential to connect businesses, public administrations and citizens to the latest technologies and resources. It will also help Europe to remain globally competitive and strategically autonomous, and to have a say in how new technologies reflect our needs and values.
Funding Topics
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MEDIAIn mass communication, media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. The term refers to components of the mass media communications industry, such as print media, publishing, the news media, photography, cinema, broadcasting, digital media, and advertising.
SOCIALSocial organisms, including humans, live collectively in interacting populations. This interaction is considered social whether they are aware of it or not, and whether the exchange is voluntary or involuntary.